With the new Mellotron 300 series, the Streetly & GForce team have taken the Melly experience to another level. The source technology had improved upon the earlier designs and these ‘Hi-Fi Sci-Fi’ sounds have been lovingly transferred from the original tapes into the digital domain – bringing a whole new clarity of vision and sonic depth. Highly recommended.
The Streetly Tapes M300
The Streetly Tapes - M300 Leads.
In collaboration with our friends at Streetly Electronics, we carefully curated 17 x M300 lead sounds derived from original EMI tape-stock and over 100 M-Tron Pro Patches. This add-on pack is available exclusively for M-Tron Pro.
The M300 was the first ‘Tron with a single 52-note keyboard, making it considerably more portable than its predecessor, the MkII. This particular ‘tron had a short production life from around 1968 to 1971 but nevertheless it was used by some pretty heavyweight bands including; The Moody Blues, Barclay James Harvest, Earth and Fire, Gentle Giant, and Marmalade. The M300 also came with a new set of sounds which were considered more hi-fi than those of the MkII.
Artist's Opinion
Tapes Descriptions by Martin Smith, Streetly Electronics
M300 A Violins
THE sound of Barclay James Harvest. The M300 allowed you to remove the dry signal and leave the spring line ringing. This is what Woolly did and it was so effective with gently changing string pads set back in the mix. A wonderful sound in the right hands.
M300 B Violins
Mike Pinder used this sound on Never Comes the Day and Watching and Waiting. Need we say more! It is a solo violin recording and as mellow as they come.
M300 Celeste
A bright a sprightly recording that makes you want to take a turn around the room in a Jane Austen stylie
M300 Cello
The cello that appeared in the M400 catalogue was actually recorded much earlier and played by the legendary Reg ‘can we do that one again’ Kilby.
M300 Cello & Violins
It was decided that the M300 should have a full 52 note string ensemble and this was constructed from the A violins with the cello in the bass. It works although there is the inevitable knee jerk where the timbre changes. But hey…
M300 Clarinet
A black stick, all reedy with air rushing through like a tube train in the night.
M300 Flute
This is more of a jazz flute than the iconic MKII one and makes for a refreshing change.
M300 Hammond Organ
Here we have the beat group influence that haunted the M300. This was designed to be played against the let’s get hip daddio pop rhythm in the left hand.
M300 Organ High
Same as above in purpose.
M300 Organ Low
The bottom notes of the previous organ converting the entire M300 into…..an organ!
M300 Piano High
Someone, somewhere decided that a piano sound was still a good bet after the lo fi offering of the MKII. To be fair it is an improvement and very useable in a Hammer Horror kinda way.
M300 Piano Low
The same piano as above stretching into the rhythm section and converting the entire M300 into…..a piano!
M300 Spanish Guitar
Segovia’s little known brother Gary let loose on a plank with strings.
M300 Strings 2
As lost as an Inca prophecy, this combination sound sits in the library awaiting it’s machine debut.
M300 Trombone
Quite a full on, thrusting sound if that’s your bag. We are not sure if this is George Chisholm or not but it’s a jolly fine recording heard quite loudly on Earth and Fire’s Song of the Marching Children.
M300 Vibes
Tasty vibes without vibrato which makes a refreshing change. Great for incidental music in sitcoms where something crazy is going on with some ladders and a nun.
M300 Vibrato Organ
All the clues are there so I’ll make a cup of tea instead.
Audio Demos
The Streetly Tapes M300 is also available with new purchases of the “M-Tron Pro – Complete” bundle which includes the M-Tron Pro IV and all the Expansion Packs. That is a superb 12.5GB+ sound library with 525+ tape banks and 3700+ presets.
The Streetly Tapes – M300 Leads Expansion Pack is only available to registered users of M-Tron Pro.
Additionally, it is exclusively available via this website as a direct download (437MB) via “My Instruments” when the purchase has been completed.
The Streetly Tapes – M300 Leads Expansion Pack is only available to registered users of M-Tron Pro.
Additionally, it is exclusively available via this website as a direct download (437MB) via “My Instruments” when the purchase has been completed.
Key Features
- A GForce Software and Streetly Electronics collaboration
- Tape banks from the original UK ‘Tron masters
- Derived from original EMI tape-stock
- Over 100 M-Tron Pro Patches
- 17 carefully curated M300 lead sounds for M-Tron Pro
- 35 notes per tape bank
- Exclusively available via download – 437MB
Legal Notice
All third party product names used in this product are trademarks of their respective owners and are in no way associated or affiliated with GForce Software Ltd.