
One Sound Design Trick with Jordan Passmore

June 4, 2024
by GForce Software

Jordan Passmore is an electronic musician and DJ with over a decade’s worth of experience creating original songs, remixes, and live performances. He is based out of Indianapolis, USA. He utilizes an array of old and new synthesizers/drum machines to make house, wave, techno and more. His direction is one going forward with a path forged by early electronic instruments originating from the 1970’s and 1980s.

Jordan, who contributed to OB-X, Axxess and more recently impOSCar3‘s sound design, kindly agreed to answer a few questions.

Do you have any tips for getting great-sounding patches?

One tip I have is to start off basic with one oscillator and build from there, focusing on parameters like wavetable mod and other performance controls from the start of the patch creation before adding a second oscillator and filter; these raw elements are where this synth really comes alive in my opinion.

Which of your impOSCar3 patches do you consider your personal favourite?

It’d probably be YM_Ceremony_. I really like that buzzy sound it gets at the lower octaves and feel like it has a lot of versatility in applications. 

Is there anything, in particular, you liked about impOSCar3?

I like that impOSCar3 has the ability to make everything from subtractive synthesis patches to deep digital pads but doesn’t require the user to edit a spreadsheet-like mod matrix to achieve complex sounds.  It really feels like the very perfect sweet-spot within the spectrum of hybrid synthesizers.

My favorite right now is the Jupiter-4 with the Hamburg.wave MIDI kit. I love quick envelopes and the JP-4 definitely has those. It also fulfills any role you’d need in a mix. The basses are great, FX is easy as the LFOs are ultra-fast, arpeggios are classic, I could go on and on about the JP-4.

Where can readers find out more about you?

You can see and hear his work on Instagram at