
Oberheim OB-X Video Roundup

October 20, 2023
by Graeme Rawson

There have been some great videos posted about Oberheim OB-X since its launch. From simple patch flips, and no-speaking playing. To full reviews and streaming. The response from the music production world has been amazing.

Miles Away Goes Deep

A great intro demo and deep dive from Miles Away.

Synth Anatomy Explores

Audiolounge Gets Funky

Just a great demo track from OB-X in one of it’s natural environments.

Nu-Trix The Synth Guy Guided Tour

Nu-Trix goes deep with a guided tour of OB-X with a great demo track and some historical context, which we love.

Polydata Shows Off his Retro Soundbank

Ace sound designer loves to take synths back to their core roots, and why not when you’re as good at it as he is?!

SonicTalk and Simeon Amburgey go Live

Because we can’t embed ex-live links on our site. Here are links for OB-X on Sonicstate SonicTalk and Simeon Amburgey’s broadcast.


Listen to Ty Unwin, Nice Batt, Gav Williams and Matt Hudson talk Oberheim OB-X


Simeon is a superb pianist and musician who always shows off the musicality of the instruments he plays. And has a lot of fun doing it too.

Simon Le Grec’s No Talk Preview